•Classical video and audio Lectures library•
Video Lecture Series
Each series includes multiple sessions of full length videos and numerous links to performances of each musical work and background material. The goal is to help you follow music as clearly as reading a book. These are informal, passionate, and enthusiastic journeys through music from the perspective of a composer, not studio-produced music history courses. They combine piano demonstrations with lectures, discussion, and detailed guidance through publicly available performances on YouTube.
Listening is a skill no different than learning to play an instrument.It develops with practice, patience, and self-kindness. The reward is more of the emotional spine-tingling moments that first made you fall in love with music.
Audio Lecture Series
mp3 Audio—each series includes 8 or more full length talks
Each title includes access to all sessions and supplemental materials from the original lecture series. You will feel like you’re in the class.
Yes, I was deeply influenced by Leonard Bernstein’s remarkable music lectures. My style is far more informal and personal. I know my participants are intelligent and deeply desire to understand music better, without too much jargon or just strings of entertaining anecdotes. As a composer, I DIG IN to the “bones” of the music itself. I break down specific passages on the piano. I offer active commentary on recordings. I engage participants in the exciting ideas that fuel musical narratives. Disclaimer: I am not a musicologist! I do provide some historical context, but I’m more a musical “detective” who takes you on journeys to discover why a piece of music is so emotionally satisfying (or not!). You will notice in these talks that everyone is engaged and enjoying time together to deepen their listening skills. Please email me if you find any of these titles helping you to enjoy classical music on a whole new level!
What People Say
You expand horizons with such class, such kindness and warmth, together with a great sense of humor and clear love for what you do. You have created an amazing group, and I feel blessed and privileged to be part of it. You feed not only my mind but my soul.
Patricia Morgan
I used to blame the music - it was intentionally trying to leave me behind (and succeeding). Now I realize that I was listening to the wrong language.
Kathleen Kiefer
Tonight's journey thru Mozart opened up my brane in a couple of important respects…Your coda at the end, in laying out insight about classic and romantic music and Mozart's intensity and complexity, are exactly the kind of stuff I was hoping to glean from these sessions!
Michael Morrison
Quick note to tell you YOU REALLY DELIVERED on your promise to make music theory interesting! I’m excited and looking forward to next week. What an original approach to music theory!
Linda Danly
A vibrant and oh so intelligent presentation.
Olin Sherrod
I can’t tell you how much this course has meant to me… Even the simplest little tune has taken on new meaning. I have so much to learn and despite my frustrations I am loving every minute of my musical journey…I've "listened" to music all my life and only now really realize how little I've actually heard.
Dorothy Collins
It would be hard for me to put in words the gratitude and excitement I feel having been a student of yours for the past some years. I suddenly began to understand the mystery of classical (and other) music. Something that has all my life intrigued me but never had the person to take me on the journey to delve into the secrets. It has been extraordinary.
Diana Friedberg
I was impressed and touched by your sensitive approach and depiction of Schubert's life and work, particularly by your step-by-step explanation of the marvelous Schubert harmonies, seemingly simple at first hearing, but in reality highly sophisticated , novel and touching.
Volker Anding
Being a newbie to classical music but loving other kinds of music my whole life I feel like a whole new world has opened up for me. I so appreciate all the education you’ve given me on how to listen to music as well as all the incredible musical pieces and composers you have exposed me to.
Eve Miller