Mulholland Fantasies Score and Parts

Mulholland Fantasies Score and Parts


Piano Quartet—PIano, Violin, Viola, Cello
5 movements—25 minutes


Mulholland Fantasies

Part I

1. Presto agitato

2. Andante mestamente

3. Scherzando

Part II

4. Andante espansivo

5. Alegro gaudioso

Mulholland Fantasies was commissioned by Pacific Serenades and performed by Joanne Pearce Martin (piano), Roger Wilkie (violin), Roland Kato (viola), and David Speltz (cello). Dedicated to Mark Carlson, composer and founder of Pacific Serenades. The piece is an interior journey inspired by Mulholland Drive and the way it divides through the city of Los Angeles. The first 3 movements form a set. The last measures of the first movement repeat as the beginning of the second movement. The last measures of the second movement repeat as the beginning of the third movement. The fourth slow movement features a high expressive cello solo. The finale is an exuberant piece reflecting my love for the lyricism in Schubert's chamber music.