How my Classical Consortium Can Change Your Life in 4 Tiers
The four circles (or tiers) of my Classical Consortium on Patreon. Each inner circle includes all the benefits of the outer circles.
My Classical Consortium has 4 tiers. Think of them as nestled circles. Each inner circle gets deeper into music, deeper into the community, plus includes all the benefits of the outer circles.
SUPPORTER—$10/mo. You meet with the entire Consortium at Monday Hangouts. We hear music and have fascinating discussions. You also get tickets to 3 Zoom concerts a year. Doesn’t matter if you’re a novice or an expert. It will enhance your life.
AFICIONADO—$25/mo. You become a member of our private chat community and get to meet and interact with some of the most amazing (and nice) people on the planet. Our shared knowledge and camaraderie might be the most powerful Consortium benefit. You’ll not only learn about music, you’ll become friends with people who get you and share your passion. Plus 10% off my growing store of lectures, books, and music.
MASTER LISTENER—$50/mo. You want to really understand classical music with an inside track. Each month I create videos on composing, performing, and conducting. I take you into my actual artistic process. For example, I’m now preparing to conduct the Sibelius 2nd symphony. Wouldn’t you be interested to know what goes through my mind as I study a score, rehearse the orchestra, and interpret the piece? Plus four exclusive workshops on general musical topics you maybe always wanted to know (the ins and outs of string instruments, what performers are thinking as they play, what makes one interpretation better than another, etc . All of that and 15% off my growing store of lectures, books, and music.
CREATIVE CIRCLE—Special $75/mo.Founding Members Price ($100/mo. regular) . Your connection to classical music becomes a thrill meeting some of the most talented musicians in the world. This is the Consortium inner circle with Virtual VIP Backstage Access to me and the world class musicians with whom I collaborate. You’ll meet us on Zoom the day or so after concerts to hear about what we experienced on stage, enjoy anecdotes, and ask questions. There will be more. I have had nearly 100 musicians respond enthusiastically to this idea. They want to know you as well! So we will add more events. The ultimate dream I have for the Creative Circle is that post-pandemic, we travel together to musical destinations where we can learn and enjoy time together.
If you’ve read this far, maybe you’re sharing some of my excitement and see how this can change your life for the better. What are you waiting for? SIGN UP NOW FOR RUSSELL’S CLASSICAL CONSORTIUM
Feel free to ask questions in the comments.